Thursday, October 30, 2008

요즘 한국말 배울려고 한국 드라마 봅니다.

These days, I'm trying to watch Korean dramas to learn Korean.

그게 어떻게 네 꿈이야? 움직이지를 않는데...
How does it can be yours? It doesn't have any possibility to be the truth.
그건 별이지.
That is a star.
하늘에 떠 있는, 가질수도 없는, 시도조차 못하는, 쳐다만 봐야 하는 그런 별....
In the sky, Don't own it, Can't try it, Just looking it.... That kind of star.
꿈을 이루라는 소리가 아니야.
I don;t mean it make to be a real.
꾸기라도 하라는 거야.
Just, Think it its possibility.
이 안에 너의 열망이 얼마나 꿈틀 거리는 것인지....
How much wished do you have make it to be a real.

재미있게 보고 있는 드라마. "베토벤 바이러스" 중에서.
In the Korean drama, The Beethoven Virus.


Lucy said...

I like to watch the korean drama very much. I recommend you to watch the drama named "the men in family of the bathhouse boss".( translate from the chinese name)

Temmi said...

it was so fun to read.
I liked the conversation that two characters had. So far, I think you
are like..have excellent ability of learning a sponge.(who are you-_-? ..Sponge Bob?)kk J/k
anyways, big clap!!